Doctors and clinics in Limassol
Map of all English-speaking businesses in Limassol
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English-speaking dentists in Limassol

Here the catalog of well-known English-speaking dentists and dental clinics in Limassol, Cyprus. It should be helpful if you want to treat your teeth in Limassol.

For each clinic, you may see reviews and working time.

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Thrasyvoulou i-Dental clinic    ★★★★★

Dental clinic, Dentist
Θέκλας Αντ. Λυσιωτου 35, 3030 Limassol, Cyprus

Oral Care Clinic    ★★★★★

dental clinic, dentist
Vasileos Konstantinou 62, 3076 Limassol, Cyprus

Eliades Euroclinic    ★★★★★

Dental clinic, Dentist
Panagioti Diomidous 5, 3020 Limassol, Cyprus

Lemesos Dental Clinic    ★★★★

dental clinic, dentist
Agias Zonis 30a, 3027 Limassol, Cyprus

Dr. Zenonos    ★★★★

Dental clinic, Dentist
Vasileos Georgiou B 34, 3077 Limassol, Cyprus

List of all English-speaking businesses in Limassol

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