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English-speaking vet in Budapest

Here the catalog of well-known English-speaking veterinarians and vet clinics in Budapest, Hungary. It should be helpful if you want to treat your pet in Budapest.

For each clinic, you may see reviews and working time.

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Palava Veterinary Surgery    ★★★★★

vet, veterinarian
Peterdy utca 35, 1071 Budapest, Hungary

Cityvet Kft.    ★★★★★

Vet, Veterinary сlinic
Belgrád rakpart 16, 1056 Budapest, Hungary

Veterinary Center Murmuczok    ★★★★★

vet, veterinarian
Lenkei utca 3, 1184 Budapest, Hungary

Budapest Animal Hospital

vet, veterinarian
Lehel utca 43, 1135 Budapest, Hungary

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